KMG has been a dynamic force in the music industry for over three decades.

From its inception, KMG has produced, marketed, and distributed music for both major and independent labels, securing a place for its artists and performers in international charts with numerous Platinum, Gold, and Silver certifications across all major territories since its inception in 2003.

Our music can be heard on TV, Film, Radio and Games including Amazon Prime, Netflix, BBC, DMX, Sky, VOA, XM Radio, Channel 4, Documentaries, Sky Sports, CBS, RTE, SCEE, Slightly Mad Studios and Codemasters. KMG produce music for major and independent music companies.

We market and distribute music and provide in house royalty collection services on neighbouring rights, streaming and publishing.

If you danced in a club, listened in a bar, streamed or tuned in to your local radio you're almost certain to have danced to one of our productions whether in LA, Singapore, London, Sydney, Rio, Beijing or Johannesburg. We have a global support network of fantastic fans & DJs supporting the music we release on radio, programming and playing out live.

KMG’s catalogue is published exclusively and Worldwide by Bucks Music Group Ltd, Camden, London.